
how to find inflection point

Inflection Point

Solomon Xie

An inflection point is a point where the graph of the function changes CONCAVITY (from up to down or vice versa).

It could be seen as a Switching point, which means the point that the Slope of function switch from increasing and decreasing.
e.g., the function might be still going up, but at such a point it suddenly increases slower and slower. And we call that point an inflection point.

Refer to Khan academy video for more intuition rapidly: Inflection points from graphs of function & derivatives

Algebraically, we identify and express this point by the function's First DerivativeOR Second Derivative.


Intuitive way to solve:

  • Draw a tangent line in imagination and move it on the function from left to right
  • Notice the tangent line's slope, does it go faster or slower or suddenly change its pace at a point?
  • We found it suddenly changed at point c.

More definitional way to solve:

  • Looking for the parts of concavity shapes
  • Seems that B-C is a part of Concave Down, and C-D is a part of Concave Up
  • So C is a SWITCHING POINT, it's a inflection point.



  • Looking for the parts of concavity shapes
  • There's no changing of concavity shapes, there's only one shape: Concave down.



  • Notice that's the graph of f'(x) , which is the First Derivative.
  • Checking Inflection point from 1st Derivative is easy: just to look at the change of direction.
  • Obviously there're only two points changed direction: -1 & 2



  • Mind that this is the graph of f''(x) , which is the Second derivative.
  • Checking inflection points from 2nd derivative is even easier: just to look at when it changes its sign, or say crosses the X-axis.
  • Obviously, it crosses the X-axis 5 times. So there're 5 inflection points of f(x).

Example: Finding Inflection points


  • Function has POSSIBLE inflection points when f''(x) = 0.
  • Set f''(x) =0 and solve for x, got x=-3.
  • We now know the possible point, but don't know its CONCAVITY. This need to try some numbers from its both sides:

  • So it didn't change the concavity at point -3, means there's no inflection point for function.

Example: Finding Inflection points


  • Function has POSSIBLE inflection points when f''(x) = 0.
  • Set f''(x) =0 and solve for x, got x=0 or 6.

Refer to Symbolab for f''(x).)
Refer to Symbolab for f''(x)=0.

  • We now know the possible point, but don't know its CONCAVITY. This need to try some numbers from its both sides:

  • So it didn't change the concavity at point 0, means only 6 is the inflection point.

how to find inflection point


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